craft Your Signature AI Brand: Unique Business Branding Images & Graphics Master the Art of Consistent AI-Themed Artwork for Marketing, Coaching Materials, and Products

SheLeads Logo, Wendy Kier

Dear  Visionary Coaches and Therapists,

Welcome to an extraordinary journey with our pioneering AI Art Masterclass, led by myself, Wendy Kier from SheLeads. This isn’t just a course; it’s an innovative venture into transforming your AI art and imagery into a unique, repeatable style that truly captures the essence of your business. Prepare to turn your art into compelling, high-impact signature content that captivates, inspires, and propels your brand like never before. This masterclass is dedicated to elevating your unique voice and vision, ensuring a lasting digital impact.

As one of the first to venture into this realm, I’ve faced a steep, often frustrating learning curve in the world of AI technology. The journey to create signature art for coaches and therapists was marked by days, weeks, and even months of intense dedication, countless trials and errors, and moments of sheer exasperation. It was more than learning; it was a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in digital artistry.

You’ll no longer need to endure the frustrations and time-consuming efforts of dealing with subpar stock images that hardly represent your brand. In our masterclass, we delve into the art of consistently creating signature AI art. You’ll learn to master the GPT to craft artwork that not only supports your marketing but also resonates deeply with your coaching materials, products, and services.

Embark on this journey to create dynamic digital AI Art and Graphics that reflect the soul of your business, liberating more time for your true passion – transforming lives. This creative endeavour promises not just to tell your story but to do so with authenticity and impact, significantly enhancing your digital presence. 

I am excited to guide you towards achieving high-impact visibility, sharing the expertise that I’ve painstakingly acquired, so your path is smoother and more rewarding.

Warmest regards,
Wendy Kier

Your journey in revolutionizing AI art creation for coaches and therapists is truly inspiring. Your ability to harness GPT for crafting unique, brand-specific art styles represents a significant breakthrough in the industry. This innovation not only enhances brand identity but also opens up new avenues for creative expression and digital engagement. It’s exciting to see such advancements, and your journey is sure to inspire many in the field.

 Unleash Your GPT Artwork Assistant: A Tailored Approach for Coaches and Therapists

✨ Transform Your Brand with AI Mastery ✨

ChatGPT 4 ChatGPT-4 GPT Assitant

Unlock the transformative power of GPT assistants in our AI Art Masterclass, and embark on a journey to create branded art that resonates with the soul of your business.

Arm yourself with the skills to craft consistent, signature images, saving time, money, and energy.

By the end of this masterclass, you’ll be equipped to visually align with your brand’s core message and to forge deeper, more meaningful connections with your clients, elevating your brand’s narrative in a way that truly stands out.

Do I really need to be using signature art, images, and graphics in my coaching and therapy business? Absolutely, and here’s why

As coaches and therapists, we now have the unprecedented ability to connect with our clients on a much deeper level.

We can visually express the emotions they are experiencing, bringing an added dimension to our communication. This capability extends to our marketing materials, new products, and even training manuals.

Gone are the days of a hodgepodge of disconnected images. Now, we can offer a cohesive visual experience that is invaluable.

Creating consistent, signature imagery is not just an option; it’s a game-changer for your practice, enhancing your client’s journey and reflecting the true essence of your services.

The differance between ChatGPT3 and ChatGPT-4
Soulful Social Suite , Wendy Kier, AI Art

Welcome to ‘Craft Your Signature AI Brand

Unique Business Branding Images & Graphics masterclass

Embark on an enlightening journey with our specialized MasterClass, “Craft Your Signature AI Brand: Unique Business Branding Images & Graphics,” specifically tailored for coaches and therapists. This course is not just about exploring the innovative use of ChatGPT-4; it’s a deep dive into crafting a distinct visual identity that resonates with the unique ethos of your business.

In this masterclass, we concentrate on the art of creating branded images and graphics that are not just visually appealing but are a true representation of your brand’s personality and values. You’ll learn to harness the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT-4 to produce specific types of art and imagery that speak directly to your target audience, distinguishing your practice in your particular field.

We’ve meticulously designed this course to guide you through identifying key elements that are unique to your business and integrating them into your visual branding. Whether it’s the style, tone, or thematic elements, our comprehensive framework ensures a hands-on experience in developing a signature brand style that aligns seamlessly with your professional identity.

We will delve into how ChatGPT-4 can be leveraged to revolutionize your client engagement and marketing, focusing on developing creative content that is uniquely yours. By the end of this masterclass, you’ll possess the skills to create consistent, signature AI artwork that not only aligns with but also amplifies the distinctive character of your business, thereby enhancing your digital presence and deepening client relationships.

SheLeads ChatGPT4 Wendy Kier AI ART

Choosing Your Art Style for Branding

  • We’ll dive into different art genres and how they resonate with coaching and therapy brands. You’ll learn to select art styles that align with your brand’s voice and message, whether it’s tranquil and soothing for therapeutic contexts or dynamic and inspiring for coaching scenarios.
SheLeads ChatGPT4 Wendy Kier AI ART

Integrating Brand Colours in AI Art

  • We’ll cover techniques to ensure your brand colours are prominently and tastefully integrated into your images, maintaining brand consistency and recognition across all visuals.
ChatGPT 4 ChatGPT-4 GPT Assitant

Creating a GPT Style Guide for Consistent Imagery

  • I’ll guide you in creating a style guide or ‘GPT blueprint’ that keeps your imagery consistent. This includes setting parameters for the AI to follow, and ensuring that every image it generates aligns with your brand’s aesthetics and ethos.
SheLeads, Wendy Kier, AI Art

Editing and Enhancing Images with Personal Elements

  • This section will teach you how to add or modify elements in AI-generated art, making each piece truly unique and reflective of your brand. We’ll go through basic editing tools and techniques to tailor the images to your liking.

Anticipate a Journey of Transformation and Insight in This Masterclass

These unique benefits offer attendees valuable insights and practical skills, making your masterclass an indispensable event for coaches and therapists WORLDWIDE


Unique Branding: Master AI to create a distinct visual identity for your practice.


Engage Better Online: Boost your digital presence with eye-catching, AI-generated art.


A Save Time and Resources: Streamline content creation, focusing more on your core services


Industry-Focused Skills: Gain relevant, practical AI art skills for coaching and therapy.


Stay Ahead: Embrace innovation for a competitive edge in your field.

Picture a world where your brand’s essence is captured not just in words, but in a symphony of visuals, each telling a story more profound than the last. What if your images could speak the language of emotions, resonating deeply with every viewer?

ChatGPT 4 ChatGPT-4 GPT Assitant Lession
ChatGPT 4 ChatGPT-4 GPT Assitant Lession
ChatGPT 4 ChatGPT-4 GPT Assitant Lession
ChatGPT 4 ChatGPT-4 GPT Assitant Lession

This is the art of visual storytelling with AI – a realm where every pixel is a note in a melody that sings your brand’s unique tale. Imagine the possibilities when your brand’s narrative is not just shared, but truly experienced. What story would you tell if your visuals could speak the language of your business’s soul?

How Clients Are Transforming Their Businesses with AI Art

Since embracing AI art and image creation with my guidance, my clients have innovatively expanded their range of services:


  • Launching New Services: Introducing ‘done-for-you’ AI image creation services, tailored to client needs.
  • Business Training in AI Art Creation: Enhancing business capabilities through training sessions on AI art and image crafting.
  • Targeted Niche Imagery: Developing specialised images for specific client groups, like pregnant women.
  • Designing and Selling Cards: Using AI art for unique card designs, ranging from greetings to motivational themes.
  • Themed Advent Calendars: Creating specific subject-based advent calendars with a new AI-generated image each day.
  • Enhanced Marketing, Advertising, and Promotion: Incorporating AI art across platforms for boosted marketing strategies.
  • Website Enhancement: Elevating online presence with AI-created imagery.
  • Social Media Impact: Making social profiles more engaging with AI-generated visuals.
Renata Dosanjh Testimonial
Bernie Curd Testimonial

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Choose The Perfect Plan!


The Comprehensive Catalyst 

Welcome to “The Comprehensive Catalyst,” thoughtfully designed for those seeking an all-encompassing learning journey in the art of GPT-driven AI branding. This tier not only grants you access to our live masterclass for real-time interaction and learning but also provides the invaluable benefit of masterclass replays. This ensures you can revisit and absorb the material at your own pace, deepening your understanding and mastery over time.

But the journey doesn’t end there. As part of this tier, you’ll be welcomed into an exclusive community of like-minded coaches and therapists. This vibrant group serves as a dynamic platform for exchanging insights, sharing experiences, and offering mutual support. It’s a space where collaboration and collective growth come to life, enriching your learning experience.

“The Comprehensive Catalyst Tier” is more than just a masterclass; it’s a holistic support system that empowers your journey with GPT. It’s designed to ensure that you are not just participating in the evolving world of AI-driven branding but truly thriving, with all the resources and support you need at your fingertips.


SheLeads AI Art Hub:

Attend live and revisiting the content enables you to reinforce your understanding and retention of the material. It’s often said that repetition is the mother of all learning, and a replay offers a second (or even third) pass to absorb information.


Supporting Resources:

Enhanced Learning Materials: Comprehensive Workbook, Insightful Slide Deck, and Customisable Social Media Content Template.


Private Facebook Chat Group with Ongoing Mentoring:

Engage with a community of like-minded women. Exchange insights, seek advice, and discover encouragement and motivation in this exclusive group.


The Visionary Creators’ Pathway

(The Comprehensive Catalyst)

In this exclusive offering, you gain access to one-on-one sessions tailored specifically to your business needs. Our focus is to develop a GPT assistant uniquely for you, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your distinctive brand identity and empowers you to craft your own signature AI art with ease. 

These personalised sessions are dedicated to understanding the unique facets of your practice, addressing your specific challenges, and collaboratively crafting strategies to enhance your brand’s impact. This process is designed to provide clarity, bespoke guidance, and innovative insights, reshaping your professional narrative. 

“The Visionary Creators’ Pathway” is more than just a learning experience; it’s a transformative journey tailored for women who are committed to mastering the nuances of AI branding. This pathway offers a comprehensive support system to guide you through every step of your brand evolution.

Embrace this opportunity for a specialised service that promises to revolutionise your approach, elevating your coaching or therapy practice with a blend of personal touch and cutting-edge AI technology. 

Let’s embark on this journey of creativity and strategic growth together, unlocking the full potential of your brand with GPT.

If you encounter any issues making a payment using the payment link, OR WOULD LIKE TO PAY IN ANOTHER CURRENCY, please click here or send an email to we***@we*******.com

Working with Wendy has been an incredible experience for my business. She played a vital role in boosting my confidence, particularly in the areas where I needed the most support. Wendy has been like a guardian angel to me throughout this journey. Having someone like Wendy by your side, available 24/7, ensures that you will always thrive and achieve success in every aspect of your life.

Ambila Nath

Wendy played a crucial role in helping me gain clarity on my purpose, target audience, and she guided me in developing a powerful signature program that I believe can make a profound impact on people’s lives. Additionally, she helped me recognise the self-doubt that was holding me back, even when it was unfounded and irrelevant. Through her guidance, I learned invaluable lessons on breaking free from negative thinking patterns and maximising my productivity within limited time constraints.

Becky Booth

Working with Wendy has been one of the best experiences of my business. I learned how to create a signature system and a premium offer that will help me grow a profitable business, thanks to Wendy’s guidance. I enjoyed her dynamic and fun approach, which made the challenging process of getting clear on my message and services much more enjoyable. Wendy’s commitment as a mentor has helped me move with confidence towards my vision and goals.

Carmita Priesco

Wendy’s one-on-one Impact Intensive was phenomenal. With her patient coaching, I was able to fine-tune my essential marketing message and develop my signature offer. The greatest outcome was that I could promote my new signature offer and attract clients even before completing Wendy’s Impact Intensive! I’m grateful for the remarkable impact Wendy’s guidance has had on my business.

Carolyn Gray

Wendy hosted the Money Challenge and created a supportive environment for a group of high vibe like-minded women on a similar path. I highly recommend this challenge to others for its value in personal growth and development.

Iona Meade

Working with Wendy has taken my thinking to a whole different level. Her delightful personality and way of working made the experience enjoyable. Wendy took the time to understand my business and didn’t try to fit it into a box. Instead, she rebuilt the box to fit my business, providing a personalized approach that resonated with me. Gillian Rayne

Working with Wendy as a mentor has been a transformative experience. I have experienced significant personal growth and learned a great deal about myself as a businessperson. Wendy’s thorough and personalised course provided excellent value tailored to my needs. I’m grateful for the valuable insights gained during my collaboration with Wendy.

Nina Hallinger Ashby

Through working with Wendy, I was able to amend my offering and realign it with my purpose and mission. I confidently recommend Wendy’s services to others for the positive impact she had on my business.

Naetha Uren

Your Title Goes Here

With Wendy’s guidance, I gained clarity and purpose in my signature program. It has empowered me to confidently communicate about my program and share my expertise. Wendy’s wisdom and guidance have had a phenomenal impact on my journey. Laura Ceppelli

Zeroing In on the Visionary GPT Assistants: Your Path to Empowerment in Branding and Signature AI Visual Communication

Women Talking about Life Coaching

Embark on an enlightening journey with me, where the focus is on transforming the way you, as coaches and therapists, present your brand to the world. This MasterClass delves deep into the art of using GPT assistants to create distinct, bespoke branding images and graphics that resonate with your unique professional identity. I aim to equip you with the skills to showcase your brand’s narrative through tailored AI art, transcending beyond mere aesthetics into a realm where every visual speaks volumes about your practice.


This masterclass is not just about enhancing your digital footprint; it’s about carving out a niche that reflects the core of your work, ensuring your brand’s voice is heard, understood, and remembered. 


What This MasterClass Offers


Art Style Selection for Branding:

Dive deep into an array of art genres and uncover how they can amplify your brand’s voice. Whether you seek the calm of therapeutic visuals or the energy of motivational coaching graphics, learn to choose styles that resonate with your practice.

Harmonising Brand Colours with AI Art:

Master the skill of infusing your brand’s colour palette into AI-generated artwork. We’ll explore techniques to blend colours seamlessly into your images, ensuring a consistent and recognisable brand identity.

Crafting a GPT Style Guide:

I’ll personally guide you in creating a bespoke ‘GPT blueprint’. This style guide will be your compass, directing the AI to produce images that are in perfect harmony with your brand’s aesthetics and ethos.

Personal Touch in Image Editing:

Discover how to add unique elements to AI-generated art, tailoring each creation to your brand’s narrative. From basic editing to advanced customisation, you’ll learn how to make each piece distinctly yours.

Effective Image Prompt Creation:

Unlock the potential of precise, impactful prompts that bring your vision to life. We’ll delve into the nuances of prompt writing, ensuring that each AI creation is an authentic representation of your brand.

Grow your practice, connect deeply with your clients, and set your brand apart.

Let’s embark on this journey of creativity, innovation, and digital artistry together.

Turn your coaching and therapeutic practice into a lighthouse of inspiration and a consistent source of revenue

Unlocking Comprehensive Benefits: A Holistic Approach to Accelerating Your ROI and Business Resilience

These benefits are meticulously crafted to empower you to stand out in a crowded marketplace, forge deeper connections with your audience, and secure long-term success for your practice.

Advanced AI Art and Image Mastery: Develop expertise in GPT assistants, unlocking their advanced features for compelling visual storytelling. This mastery is not just about creating art; it’s about crafting narratives that captivate and engage.

Real-World Application: Delve into the practical applications of GPT assistants in areas like marketing, client engagement, and creative design. Learn to seamlessly integrate these tools into your professional practice for immediate impact.

Wendy Kier, AI Art, Elderly woman with silver hair joyfully looking at floating British pound notes in a modern, eclectic room with a beach view.

Business Growth Acceleration: Understand how GPTs can drive significant growth, as evidenced by my clients’ increased visibility and sales. Learn strategies to replicate this success in your own practice, transforming potential into tangible results.

My Comprehensive Suite of AI Art GPTs: Gain access to a specially designed suite of GPT tools focused on creating AI images. These tools have been tailored to address the unique needs of your coaching or therapy practice.

Customization and Strategic Insights: Create personalised ChatGPT workflows tailored to your specific business and client needs. This approach ensures strategic alignment with your brand, enhancing both relevance and impact.

Inspire and Transform: Elevate your coaching or therapy practice into a source of inspiration and transformation. Harness the power of AI to foster profound connections, create consistent revenue streams, and redefine the way you engage with your clients.


The Comprehensive Catalyst 

Welcome to “The Comprehensive Catalyst,” thoughtfully designed for those seeking an all-encompassing learning journey in the art of GPT-driven AI branding. This tier not only grants you access to our live masterclass for real-time interaction and learning but also provides the invaluable benefit of masterclass replays. This ensures you can revisit and absorb the material at your own pace, deepening your understanding and mastery over time.

But the journey doesn’t end there. As part of this tier, you’ll be welcomed into an exclusive community of like-minded coaches and therapists. This vibrant group serves as a dynamic platform for exchanging insights, sharing experiences, and offering mutual support. It’s a space where collaboration and collective growth come to life, enriching your learning experience.

“The Comprehensive Catalyst Tier” is more than just a masterclass; it’s a holistic support system that empowers your journey with GPT. It’s designed to ensure that you are not just participating in the evolving world of AI-driven branding but truly thriving, with all the resources and support you need at your fingertips.


SheLeads AI Art Hub:

Attend live and revisiting the content enables you to reinforce your understanding and retention of the material. It’s often said that repetition is the mother of all learning, and a replay offers a second (or even third) pass to absorb information.


Supporting Resources:

Enhanced Learning Materials: Comprehensive Workbook, Insightful Slide Deck, and Customisable Social Media Content Template.


Private Facebook Chat Group with Ongoing Mentoring:

Engage with a community of like-minded women. Exchange insights, seek advice, and discover encouragement and motivation in this exclusive group.


The Visionary Creators’ Pathway

(The Comprehensive Catalyst)

In this exclusive offering, you gain access to one-on-one sessions tailored specifically to your business needs. Our focus is to develop a GPT assistant uniquely for you, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your distinctive brand identity and empowers you to craft your own signature AI art with ease. 

These personalised sessions are dedicated to understanding the unique facets of your practice, addressing your specific challenges, and collaboratively crafting strategies to enhance your brand’s impact. This process is designed to provide clarity, bespoke guidance, and innovative insights, reshaping your professional narrative. 

“The Visionary Creators’ Pathway” is more than just a learning experience; it’s a transformative journey tailored for women who are committed to mastering the nuances of AI branding. This pathway offers a comprehensive support system to guide you through every step of your brand evolution.

Embrace this opportunity for a specialised service that promises to revolutionise your approach, elevating your coaching or therapy practice with a blend of personal touch and cutting-edge AI technology. 

Let’s embark on this journey of creativity and strategic growth together, unlocking the full potential of your brand with GPT.

If you encounter any issues making a payment using the payment link, OR WOULD LIKE TO PAY IN ANOTHER CURRENCY, please click here or send an email to we***@we*******.com

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Choose The Perfect Plan!

AI ART Testimonials

Bernie Curd Testimonial
Renata Dosanjh Testimonial
Karen Brown Testimonial

what this masterclass is not

Wendy Kier, AI Art, Sudents
AI Marketing Mastery Coaches Hub, women 45 plus

In my masterclass, there’s no room for fluff or tiresome sales jargon. I’m committed to delivering razor-sharp guidance that will not only elevate your sales copy today but will also become a cornerstone of your wider marketing and sales strategy.

My teaching approach melds a foundational 40% instructional segment, where we’ll cover the essential building blocks, with a 60% hands-on, interactive experience. In this action-focused segment, you’ll craft a sales page outline, tailored to effectively market your unique services.

My unwavering commitment is to arm you with actionable insights and vital skills. By the conclusion of our masterclass, you’ll be fully equipped to create, market, and monetise your own compelling copy.

So, why hesitate?

Take that pivotal next step towards financial freedom and creative mastery.

Join me now.

still not sure?

I appreciate that you may have reservations. Let’s address them head-on:

Time Commitment:

Your schedule is tight—I get it. That’s why this immersive masterclass is built for flexibility. With self-paced learning and on-demand replays, you can assimilate knowledge at your own speed, without any pressure to keep up. My curated resources are geared towards streamlining your journey, making it possible to transform your skills around your commitments.

Technical Complexity:

If tech intimidates you, fret not. This course starts with the essentials and scaffolds your understanding. With a user-friendly workbook and incremental steps, you’ll find the process unintimidating. Even if you’re a novice in sales copywriting, I’ve got you covered—alongside ChatGPT, we’ll unlock your copywriting potential.


I hear you—you need something that’s tailored to your role as a coach or therapist. This course is designed precisely for you, to amplify your brand, deepen client engagement, and fine-tune your messaging, driving your practice to new heights.


women, multicultural, boho Jewlery, love, wealth, abundance


View this masterclass as just that—an investment into your future success. With practical skills that extend far beyond the course, you’ll gain a long-term return, attracting and retaining clients with your own custom sales copy. Think of this less as an expense and more as a proactive step toward achieving your business aspirations.

Confidence Crisis:

This journey is as much about gaining self-assurance as it is about acquiring skills. With personalized support and mentorship, you’ll quickly find your voice, crafting compelling sales copy that authentically represents your unique approach.


Doubts are natural, so I invite you to browse the 100+ LinkedIn testimonials I’ve garnered. These client endorsements confirm the reliability and quality you can expect from my services. Your success begins with choosing the right mentor—that’s a commitment I promise to honor.

Prior Knowledge:

Whether you’re a beginner or have some level of expertise, this course has something valuable for everyone. We’ll start with the basics and gradually explore advanced topics, ensuring all attendees walk away enriched.

Integration Challenges:

Don’t worry about fitting what you learn into your existing strategy. The masterclass provides hands-on guidance on seamless integration, aligning newly acquired skills with your unique practice style.

Fear of Change:

I understand that adapting to new tools like ChatGPT may be unsettling, but change is often the precursor to growth. This masterclass is geared to help you adapt to the ever-changing coaching and therapy landscape, attracting a new demographic hungry for fresh, innovative approaches.

Perceived Learning Curve:

If you’re concerned that mastering sales copy is an uphill battle, let me allay those fears. I’ll break down the complexities into bite-sized, manageable pieces, helping you not just learn, but master the art of effective copywriting.

In my commitment to enhancing your AI journey, I aim to offer an empowering and enlightening experience. My ultimate goal is to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to create impactful, emotionally resonant content for your business. Embrace this journey, and you will witness a transformation in your digital presence, emotional fulfilment, and professional success.

SheLeads Client Testimonials

Debi Richens

Growth often doesn’t happen at speed when you are learning something new as you are coming to grips with a whole new mindset and ways of implementing new tools to be their most effective for you, and your business needs. Wendy Kier has just changed all of that for me through her Content and Article Marketing ChatGPT Masterclass that I recently attended. It has been quite phenomenal and has opened my world exponentially with AI technology. If you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure about AI and how you can utilise it to your business benefit, have a chat with Wendy about attending her masterclasses. You won’t regret it.

Wendy is unique in her way of working, and I have felt fully engaged in a process that really is far easier than I had thought it would be. Her step-by-step processes, along with the workbooks and support materials that she has created to go along with our trainings, has been superb. For me, using my own client testimonials to create the structure to my programmes has been nothing short of the biggest growth spurt I have made in my practice for a long time. What has taken me many hours to get my head around was created in a few short minutes, allowing me to flesh it out in exactly the way I want without wasting precious time.

Wendy has been meticulous in her results driven focus meaning that we achieve more than we could have imagined at the beginning of the masterclass. I came away empowered and enthusiastic and have created far more than I had originally thought possible. I took time to go back through the workbooks and other materials that Wendy provided, and along with the accountability sessions and the private support space that we share, I am utterly astounded at what I have achieved in such a short space of time.

Wendy’s coaching approach is generous and warm hearted, and you feel fully supported along the journey. Doing practical work whilst you are in the workshop, ensures that you really do understand what it is that Wendy is teaching you, her guidance is second to none.

If you want cost effective results driven training that gets you set up and going in a very short space of time, then I highly recommend engaging with Wendy Kier. She has changed my world exponentially.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Wendy Kier for providing the incredible Content and Article Marketing ChatGPT Masterclass. As someone who was completely new to AI Technology, I cannot recommend this masterclass enough to those who may be feeling overwhelmed about incorporating AI into their business.

Wendy has a remarkable ability to demystify ChatGPT, making it easily understandable and accessible for everyone. She took us through a step-by-step process, sharing her exact methods, before allowing us to experiment ourselves. One of the most mind-blowing aspects was when we had to bring client testimonials to construct a unique client profile tailored to our specific services. I was astonished by how quickly and accurately ChatGPT generated a program outline that resonated perfectly, solely based on the material we provided.

Wendy is meticulous in leaving no room for chance, dedicating herself entirely to helping you achieve results. By the end of the masterclass, you leave feeling empowered and fully prepared to take the next step in implementing ChatGPT. What sets this masterclass apart is the continuous support even after the course is completed. Wendy provides a comprehensive workbook equipped with prompts, templates, and various other tips and tools to assist you along your journey.

Having known Wendy for a long time, I can confidently say that she is one of the most generous and open-hearted coaches I have ever encountered. You never feel alone on this journey, as she incorporates accountability calls to keep you on track. I wholeheartedly endorse Wendy and her masterclass, and I encourage others to seize this opportunity to work with her.

Karen Ferguson

I have worked with Wendy before, so when she invited me to attend her Content and Article Marketing ChatGPT Masterclass I knew I couldn’t say no. Despite already using ChatGPT to some extent, Wendy’s knowledge, practical exercises, and understanding of each delegates business meant she was able to offer both great general advice and really helpful personalised advice as well.

I have learnt so much from her throughout this programme and one of the things I think is essential to highlight is that Wendy doesn’t teach this just to create volumes of content, she always keeps in mind and ensures everyone understands that it is our knowledge and experience that is at the heart of what we create, so we can ensure it is unique, tells our story and shows clearly that we are experts in our field.

I am already looking forward to the next programme I will be joining with Wendy.

I highly recommend Wendy as an experienced coach who will provide you with the resources and support necessary to successfully work your way through any of her courses. With explicit instructions and the relevant materials, she is able to easily guide you through a program and achieve the results for which you are striving.

Additionally, she is also an accomplished summit host who makes you feel comfortable and at ease while relating your story to a wide audience. She is on top of the current technology to help business owners market their expertise and show up as a guiding light in their field.


Carmita AI Marketing Mastery Coaches Hub Women 50 Years Old
Gold Heart
Karen Brown
Wendy Kier ChatGPT-4 Testimonial
AI Marketing Mastery Coaches Hub, Women 50 plus
Carmita AI Marketing Mastery Coaches Hub Women 50 Years Old
Oh wow thank you Sherine Lovegrove ♥️
A1 Marketing Mastery Coasches Hub Women 50 years old Karen

“Wendy Kier has just changed all of that for me through her Content and Article Marketing ChatGPT Masterclass that I recently attended. It has been quite phenomenal and has opened my world exponentially with AI technology.”

“Her step-by-step processes, along with the workbooks and support materials that she has created to go along with our trainings, has been superb. For me, using my own client testimonials to create the structure to my programmes has been nothing short of the biggest growth spurt I have made in my practice for a long time.”

“Wendy has a remarkable ability to demystify ChatGPT, making it easily understandable and accessible for everyone. One of the most mind-blowing aspects was when we had to bring client testimonials to construct a unique client profile tailored to our specific services.”

“By the end of the masterclass, you leave feeling empowered and fully prepared to take the next step in implementing ChatGPT. What sets this masterclass apart is the continuous support even after the course is completed.”

“Having known Wendy for a long time, I can confidently say that she is one of the most generous and open-hearted coaches I have ever encountered. You never feel alone on this journey, as she incorporates accountability calls to keep you on track.”

“Despite already using ChatGPT to some extent, Wendy’s knowledge, practical exercises, and understanding of each delegate’s business meant she was able to offer both great general advice and really helpful personalized advice as well.”

“I highly recommend Wendy as an experienced coach who will provide you with the resources and support necessary to successfully work your way through any of her courses.”

“I work with Wendy on all of her AI trainings and have found them to be invaluable. I have learnt so much, have plenty of materials to refer to whenever I need a refresh, and have plenty of confidence to create my own pieces of writing with the support of AI, rather than it taking over. Wendy’s workshops have been some of the best investments I have made recently.” 

questions and answers

What do I get for the £77 Foundation Builder package?

The SheLeads Masterclass will guide you step-by-step on how to identify, create, sell, and scale paid masterclasses tailored for coaches and therapists. Topics range from selecting compelling masterclass topics to setting up optimal pricing and even diving into affiliate marketing. The aim is to arm you with practical skills and knowledge that will help you secure a consistent monthly income.

How is the next level different from the Foundation Builder?

The next level package includes everything from the Foundation Builder and adds a slew of additional features. You’ll get a replay of the class, access to an exclusive community of like-minded professionals, and a dedicated Q&A session designed to ensure your progress and deepen your understanding.

What's included in the £122 Conversion Catalyst package?

The £122 Conversion Catalyst package is designed for those who are committed to an in-depth understanding of sales copy for their coaching or therapy business. It includes everything in the previous tiers plus an exclusive 30-minute consultation tailored to your business needs. This one-on-one session is focused on providing customised strategies to propel your business growth.

Is the 30-minute consultation in the 122 package focused on my specific needs?

Absolutely. This premium session is solely tailored to your unique challenges and aims to provide you with customised strategies to boost your sales and business growth. It offers a confidential setting to explore any specific challenges you may have.

Are there any resources provided to accompany the masterclass?</p> <p>

Yes, you will be provided with supporting resources such as a workbook, slides, and a template to facilitate your learning and application of the concepts discussed in the masterclass.

About Wendy kier

As a visionary founder, dedicated coach, and tireless advocate for women, Wendy Kier is the epitome of a multi-dimensional leader. Her expertise spans a broad spectrum—from personalised coaching and mentoring to cutting-edge AI technology—reflecting her commitment to having a transformative impact on both her clients and the coaching industry at large.

Wendy’s approach is uniquely comprehensive and uplifting, designed to empower women at all stages of their life and career. She offers a range of services tailored to the needs of her diverse clientele. These include 1:1 VIP deep-dive immersions, expertly crafted masterclasses, and invaluable book-writing guidance. Always at the forefront of innovation, Wendy’s focus extends to pioneering methodologies and signature programmes that not only foster growth but also leave a lasting legacy.

But her prowess doesn’t stop at business leadership. Wendy also stands as a formidable social advocate. She directs She’s Confident Coaching and has a pronounced focus on tackling issues of abuse and trauma. This additional dimension to her professional profile reveals her intrinsic commitment to nurturing a compassionate and empowering community.

In a world longing for change, Wendy Kier emerges as a true catalyst. She is not merely committed to doing business but is invested in enriching the world, one coaching programme at a time. When you engage with Wendy, you’re not just receiving a service; you’re becoming a part of a vision—a vision that is as informative as it is inspirational.

If you’re looking for a coach who combines business acumen with a heartfelt mission, you’ve found her. Wendy Kier is not just building businesses; she’s building futures. Whether you’re a potential client, partner, or collaborator, you’re sure to find her dedication to female empowerment, business excellence, and social advocacy both enlightening and inspiring.

Disclaimer: Wendy Kier is an independent entity and is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with ChatGPT, or Stable Diffusion. Any references to ChatGPT, or Stable Diffusion on this website are for informational purposes only and do not imply a partnership, sponsorship, or endorsement by ChatGPT, or Stable Diffusion. Please note that there is no refund on this masterclass.