Crafting a Winning Signature Talk Bio: Tips and Strategies for Establishing Credibility and Authority as a Speaker

During this training session, I want to stress the importance of your signature talk bio and 20-minute signature talk and share a video that I created which highlights its significance. This is a critical aspect of consistently booking calls with potential clients and positioning yourself as an expert in your field. Additionally, this training on crafting an effective signature talk bio is part of a three-part series.

On day two of this series, I will focus on crafting a winning signature talk bio that will help you stand out and get booked. Being proactive and putting effort into getting speaking gigs is essential. It’s crucial to present yourself as a professional speaker, even when speaking for free.

Let me share with you how I have created my own bio as an example. It’s specific, concise, and to the point, with a word count of 124 words. I want to mention that the step-by-step guide to crafting a bio will be unique to each individual speaker.

My bio highlights my expertise as a business mentor and coach, an established author, and a motivational speaker. I also mention my founding of the Take a Stand Online Conference and the Triumph Over Trauma book series. With over 13 years in the coaching industry and various media features, I establish my credibility and authority in my field.

To craft a winning signature talk bio, start with a clear and concise introduction that establishes your expertise and credibility. Highlight any relevant accomplishments, awards, or media features to further establish credibility.

Include a brief overview of the topics or themes that you are most passionate about and are available to speak on. Be specific and avoid generalizations. Additionally, including a clear call-to-action for booking you is essential to closing the deal.

Emphasize the importance of tailoring your bio to the specific audience or event. Research the target audience and event and incorporate relevant information or anecdotes into the bio. Proofread the bio and ensure that it is error-free and well-written.

Crafting a winning signature talk bio takes time and effort, but it is essential for standing out and getting booked as a speaker. By following the step-by-step guide and tailoring your bio to the specific audience or event, you can establish your credibility and authority and increase your chances of getting booked.


Today’s training session is for coaches who use speaking engagements to grow their business. The focus is on creating an effective speaker bio that resonates with both the audience and event organizers. The goal is to help participants book three speaking engagements within three days. By crafting a compelling and professional speaker bio, coaches can increase their chances of being selected to speak at live events or on podcasts. The session provides guidance on tailoring a bio to showcase individual strengths and expertise, which helps coaches stand out and attract new clients.

00:03 Today, we’ll be focusing on crafting a bio that helps you secure speaking gigs. Yesterday, we discussed creating a bio that persuades potential buyers to hire you for live events or podcasts. By crafting a compelling bio that resonates with both the audience and the event organizers, you’ll increase your chances of being selected. This challenge aims to help you book three speaking engagements within three days. If you missed yesterday’s training on the expert speaker blueprint for creating a captivating bio, don’t worry. You can catch up later.

00:43 To consistently attract potential clients and book calls with them, it’s crucial to watch the 20-minute signature talk training, which I’ll link below this video. The training will show you how to present yourself with authority and expertise through your mini signature talk, which will make people more inclined to listen to you and trust that you’re the right person to help them. I highly recommend watching this training before or after this video to gain valuable insights on how to effectively market yourself.

01:17 Welcome to day two of our three-day challenge! Today, I’ll guide you through creating a speaker bio and provide two golden nuggets to make it even better. I’ll even share my own bio as an example. Then, I’ll help you craft a personalized bio that highlights your unique strengths and expertise. While we’ll cover general points, your bio will be tailored to you. So, let’s get started!

02:00 In this training “Signature Talk Made Easy,” we’ll discuss how to craft a winning signature talk bio that will make you stand out and get booked for more speaking engagements. To increase your chances of getting more gigs, you have to be proactive and put in the work to find opportunities to speak. You also need to be perceived as a professional speaker when approaching potential clients. So, let’s dive into crafting a bio that will help you achieve these goals.

02:34 To stand out from the competition, you must make the effort to create a professional and captivating bio. Doing what everyone else is doing is not enough. You need to demonstrate that you are the perfect candidate to speak in front of a particular audience. Building an audience takes time, so event organizers need to trust that you are credible and trustworthy. Therefore, investing time and effort in crafting an outstanding bio is crucial to gaining their trust and increasing your chances of being selected to speak.

03:09 Crafting a bio that effectively showcases your expertise and knowledge is crucial in demonstrating your credibility and establishing a good first impression with event organizers. Your bio should provide a snapshot of your relevant experience and align with the topic you’ll be speaking about. Unprepared speakers can be a turn-off for event organizers, and it’s essential to invest time in creating a well-prepared bio that reflects your expertise. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of being selected for speaking engagements.

03:45 To secure a speaking opportunity, it’s crucial to approach it with a professional attitude, regardless of whether or not you’re being paid. This means demonstrating respect for the event organizers, the host, and the audience who will be attending. In today’s session, I’ll provide an example of one of my speaker bios and take you through the process of creating your own. So, let’s dive right in!

04:20 My bio consists of two concise paragraphs, totaling 124 words. Despite its brevity, it is tailored to a specific audience and delivers a precise message. Here it is:

“Wendy Kier is an established business mentor, coach, author, and motivational speaker. She is the founder of the Take a Stand Online Conference and the Triumph Over Trauma book series. With over 11 years of experience in the coaching industry, Wendy has been featured in various media outlets.”

The speaker bio is crafted to highlight my qualifications, background, and achievements, with a clear focus on appealing to her intended audience. This makes it engaging and pertinent to the people she wants to reach.


In my speaker bio, I’ve chosen to focus on my credentials, experience, and accomplishments, with a specific emphasis on resonating with my intended audience. This approach makes my bio engaging and pertinent to the people I want to connect with.

The second part of my bio is dedicated to my passion for helping established coaches break the cycle of undercharging, over delivering, and working excessively. Through my coaching program, I empower coaches to create their first signature program, raise their visibility, effortlessly enroll high-paying clients, reduce their work hours, expand their team, and achieve a new level of success. My mission is to help coaches create a thriving business that aligns with their purpose and passions, while also making a positive impact on the world.

05:41 My coaching philosophy is centered around financial freedom through pragmatic, immersive, and transformative methods that deliver results. My approach positions me as a passionate coach who works with a specific type of client. My coaching style is characterized by deep dive immersion, which allows clients to fully engage in the journey. My clients benefit not only from my expertise but also my pragmatic and focused personality.

06:24 When working with me, you can expect transformation and a laser focus on results. I bring over 13 years of experience as a business mentor and coach, and I work exclusively with highly motivated individuals who are seeking to reduce their workload, increase their fees, and grow their teams.

In order to provide potential clients with a clear idea of what I can bring to their audience, I would include three bullet points highlighting my strengths:

– Proven success in guiding coaches through the process of creating their first signature program
– Expertise in raising visibility and attracting high-paying clients with ease
– Passion for empowering individuals to achieve financial freedom through practical and immersive coaching methods.

The ultimate goal of my bio is to establish myself as a professional and trustworthy speaker with a strong understanding of my field. By emphasizing my unique strengths and experience, I can differentiate myself from other speakers and make a compelling first impression on potential clients or partners.

07:05 As a business mentor and coach, I specialize in helping established coaches break the cycle of undercharging, over-delivering, and working excessively. Through my coaching programs, I empower my clients to create their first signature program, raise their visibility, effortlessly enroll high-paying clients, reduce their work hours, expand their team, and achieve a new level of financial freedom in a pragmatic, immersive, and transformative way.

With over 11 years of experience in the coaching industry, I have gained extensive knowledge and expertise that allows me to provide valuable insights and practical tips to my audience. My presentations are dynamic, engaging, and designed to inspire and motivate the audience to take action towards achieving their goals.

I tailor my presentations to the specific needs of my audience, ensuring that they leave with actionable takeaways that they can implement immediately. Whether I am speaking at a conference, workshop, or webinar, I am passionate about delivering value and helping others achieve success.

07:43 As a business mentor and coach, I am passionate about helping my clients achieve a fulfilling life. My coaching program is based on real-world experience and results, making it a practical and effective solution for those seeking to transform their coaching business. With over 13 years of experience in the coaching industry, I have developed a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that coaches face. My mentorship program is tailored to address those specific needs and provide a roadmap to success.

I am a dynamic and engaging speaker who delivers my message with passion and authority. My presentations are designed to inspire and motivate my audience to take action towards achieving their goals. I provide valuable insights and practical tips that can help my audience overcome challenges and achieve their desired outcomes.

I have a proven track record of success, having helped numerous coaches achieve their financial goals and create a more balanced and productive lifestyle through my coaching programs. My presentations are tailored to the specific needs of my audience, ensuring that they leave with actionable takeaways that they can implement immediately.

In addition, I have been featured in various media outlets, including [insert name of newspaper/podcast/event here], showcasing my expertise and knowledge in the coaching industry.

10:17 When crafting a speaker bio, it’s important to establish yourself as a credible and authoritative expert in your field. Begin by introducing yourself and providing a brief overview of your profession and area of expertise. For example, you may mention that you are a business mentor and coach.

Next, it’s essential to highlight your accomplishments and areas of expertise. In my case, I would emphasize my extensive experience of over 11 years in the coaching industry and my in-depth knowledge of the challenges and opportunities that coaches encounter in their business.

By providing a clear overview of your background and expertise, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable and reliable speaker, who can offer valuable insights and practical tips to your audience. This can help to position you as a trusted authority in your field and increase your chances of success as a speaker.

11:37 To make your speaker bio more impressive, it’s important to highlight your most prestigious and relevant media exposure. This can include events where you have spoken, as well as any high-profile publications or media outlets that have featured you or your work. 

12:12 To make your speaker bio more compelling, you can describe how you help your clients and what kind of transformation they can expect to experience. For example, if you are a business mentor and coach, you can mention that you help your clients transform their businesses by providing them with practical and effective solutions based on your real-world experience and results. You can also highlight how your mentorship program is tailored to address their specific needs and provide a roadmap to success. By doing so, your clients are able to achieve their financial goals, create a more balanced and fulfilling life, and ultimately experience the freedom and flexibility that comes with a successful coaching business. This helps to showcase your expertise and the tangible results your clients can expect to achieve through your coaching programs.

12:50 After describing how you help your clients, you can mention your passion, mission, and values. For example, you can say that you are passionate about helping people achieve their full potential and that your mission is to empower them to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. You can also mention your core values, such as integrity, honesty, and compassion.

Next, describe your coaching approach and how it benefits your clients. You can explain your coaching style and philosophy, as well as the specific techniques and tools you use to help your clients achieve their desired outcomes. For instance, you may use a holistic approach that takes into account your clients’ personal and professional lives, or you may use a goal-oriented approach that focuses on achieving specific outcomes. Whatever your approach, make sure to emphasize how it benefits your clients and helps them achieve success in their lives.

Finally, you can wrap up your bio by emphasizing your commitment to your clients and your desire to help them succeed. You can mention that you are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and support to your clients, and that you are committed to their success and well-being. By doing so, you will demonstrate your professionalism and establish yourself as a trusted and credible expert in your field.

13:30 Having four coaching approaches is great, as it provides more insight into how you work with your clients. Being pragmatic, immersive, transformative, and results-oriented is a powerful combination. It shows that you’re focused on achieving tangible results for your clients, but also that you’re willing to go deep and help them achieve transformative, life-changing experiences. This level of transparency helps potential speaking engagement organizers understand who you are, what you stand for, and how you can bring value to their audience.

14:10 I suggest following a few key points to craft a speaker bio that positions yourself with credibility and authority.

Firstly, introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your profession and expertise. For example, I am a business mentor and coach. Next, mention your accomplishments and areas of expertise that align with your speaking topics. In my case, I highlight that I’m an established author, motivational speaker, and founder of the Take a Stand Conference. I also mention my Track Over Trauma book series and my 11 years of experience in the coaching industry.

Thirdly, I suggest highlighting any media exposure you have received. 

Fourthly, mention your passion and mission. For me, I am passionate about helping established coaches break the cycle of undercharging, over-delivering, and working excessively. This is my story, and others can relate to it.

Finally, describe your coaching approach and how it benefits clients. I coach my clients to create their first signature program, raise their visibility and impact, effortlessly enroll higher-paying clients, reduce their work hours, expand their team, and achieve a new level of financial freedom. Additionally, I offer three signature talks: “From Overworked to Overbooked”, “Mastering Your Money Mindset”, and “Building a Coaching Empire”. My bio is concise, around 124 words, and positions me as a credible and authoritative expert.

15:52 The final day is tomorrow, and it’s crucial to have all the required pieces ready before moving ahead with getting booked. Make sure to create a list of people whom you can reach out to. Additionally, create an Excel spreadsheet or a Google spreadsheet that includes essential details such as the date, name of the person or organization, the event type (podcast, virtual summit, or live speaking engagement), their focus, and why you want to speak at their event. It’s recommended to include the talk or presentation topic you have in mind. This will help you keep track of your progress and stay organized as you begin reaching out to potential speaking opportunities.

16:40 Having a structured approach is crucial when reaching out to potential speaking engagements. One effective way to do this is by creating an Excel or a Google spreadsheet with the following headings: date, name of the person or organization, type of speaking engagement (podcast, virtual summit, live speaking), their focus, and their contact information, such as email address and social media connections. This will help you keep track of your outreach efforts and ensure that you stay organized as you begin reaching out to potential speaking opportunities.

Join our Legacy Signature Coaching Program Masterclass Workshop

Follow these 10 step’s to create your signature talk bio

  1. Introduce yourself with a brief overview: When introducing yourself, it’s important to provide a brief summary of who you are and what you do. This should be a concise statement that captures your identity and your primary role or expertise. It’s your chance to make a great first impression and to help the person you’re reaching out to understand who you are and what you can offer.
  2. Mention your accomplishments and area of expertise: To establish credibility and demonstrate your value, it’s important to highlight your accomplishments and areas of expertise. This can include awards, certifications, and other recognitions, as well as specific skills or knowledge that make you uniquely qualified to speak on a particular topic. By showcasing your expertise, you’ll help the person you’re reaching out to understand why you’re a valuable speaker.
  3. Highlight your media exposure: If you’ve been featured in any media, such as newspapers, podcasts, or speaking engagements, be sure to highlight this in your speaker bio. This can help establish your authority and credibility in your field, and can make you a more attractive speaker to potential hosts or organizers. Be sure to include the names of any media outlets or events where you’ve been featured, as well as any notable accomplishments or insights you shared.
  4. Mention your passion and mission: One way to stand out as a speaker is to share your passion and mission with your audience. This can be a powerful way to connect with people who share your values and interests, and can help you establish a more personal connection with your audience. Share why you’re passionate about your work, what motivates you, and what you hope to achieve through your speaking engagements.
  5. Describe your coaching approach and how it benefits your clients: If you’re a coach or consultant, be sure to describe your approach and how it can benefit your clients. This can include the specific methods or techniques you use, as well as the benefits your clients can expect to see from working with you. By highlighting your coaching approach and its benefits, you can help potential hosts or organizers understand how you can add value to their event or audience.
  6. Craft your speaker bio: Your speaker bio is a brief overview of who you are as a speaker, your area of expertise, and the value you can bring to your audience. It should be concise yet impactful, and highlight your accomplishments, media exposure, passion, and coaching approach. By crafting a compelling speaker bio, you can effectively introduce yourself to potential speaking opportunities and showcase what sets you apart from other speakers.
  7. Name three signature talks: Your signature talks are the topics you’re most passionate about and knowledgeable in. By naming three signature talks that are in line with the potential speaking opportunity’s focus, you can show that you’re a good fit for their event and increase your chances of getting booked.
  8. Passionate about and knowledgeable in. By naming three signature talks that are in line with the potential speaking opportunity’s focus, you can show that you’re a good fit for their event and increase your chances of getting booked.
  9. Create a list of people to reach out to: To get booked for speaking engagements, you need to reach out to potential opportunities. Start by creating a list of people you can reach out to, such as podcast hosts, event organizers, and conference coordinators. Be sure to include their contact information and any relevant social media connections.
  10. Keep track of your outreach efforts: It’s important to keep track of your outreach efforts to stay organized and maximize your chances of success. Create an Excel spreadsheet or a group Google spreadsheet to track the date, name of the person, type of speaking engagement, focus, and the talk you want to present. By keeping track of your outreach efforts, you can follow up with potential opportunities and adjust your strategy as needed.

To sum up, having a well-crafted speaker bio is essential for getting more speaking opportunities, both in personal and business coaching. It requires effort and proactivity on your part to be perceived as a professional and credible speaker. It’s also important to show respect to the organizations and hosts that invite you to speak, even if you’re doing it for free.

It’s crucial to remember that providing value to your audience is key and offering potential signature talk topics can enhance your chances of getting booked for speaking engagements. Additionally, it’s important to maintain a comprehensive list of potential speaking engagements in an organized manner using an Excel or Google spreadsheet with relevant details.

By following these guidelines, personal and business coaches can develop an effective speaker bio and increase their chances of securing speaking engagements. So, are you ready to craft your own winning speaker bio?

Let’s get started! 


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some potential questions and answers related to the coaching session on crafting an effective speaker bio for coaches:

Q: What is the purpose of crafting a speaker bio for coaches?
A: The purpose of crafting a speaker bio is to increase the chances of being selected to speak at live events or on podcasts, which can help coaches grow their business and attract new clients.

Q: How can I make my speaker bio stand out?
A: To make your speaker bio stand out, you should focus on showcasing your strengths and expertise, being specific to your target audience, and demonstrating that you’re a credible and trustworthy speaker.

Q: What should I include in my speaker bio?
A: Your speaker bio should include your credentials, experience, and accomplishments, as well as your passion and mission as a coach. It should also be concise, specific, and relevant to your target audience.

Q: How long should my speaker bio be?
A: Your speaker bio should be brief and to the point, ideally consisting of two concise paragraphs. It should provide a snapshot of your expertise and demonstrate that you’re prepared and knowledgeable.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when crafting a speaker bio?
A: Some common mistakes to avoid include being too general or vague, using overly formal or academic language, and failing to tailor your bio to your target audience. It’s important to make a good first impression by crafting a well-prepared and compelling bio that reflects your strengths and expertise.

Q: What are the key points for crafting a speaker bio?

A: The key points for crafting a speaker bio are: introducing oneself and providing a brief overview of one’s profession and expertise, mentioning accomplishments and areas of expertise, highlighting any media exposure, mentioning one’s passion and mission, and describing one’s coaching approach and how it benefits clients. Additionally, it’s important to add value to the audience and name three signature talks in line with their audience, and to keep the bio concise, around 124 words.

Q: What is the purpose of creating a list of potential speaking engagements?
A: The purpose of creating a list of potential speaking engagements is to have a structured approach when reaching out to them. By creating an Excel spreadsheet or a Google spreadsheet with the necessary information such as the date, name of the person or organization, type of speaking engagement, their focus, and their contact information, one can keep track of their progress and ensure they stay organized as they begin reaching out to potential speaking opportunities.

Q: How can one increase their chances of being selected to speak at live events or on podcasts?
A: One can increase their chances of being selected to speak at live events or on podcasts by crafting a speaker bio that positions oneself with credibility and authority. This involves introducing oneself, mentioning accomplishments and areas of expertise, highlighting any media exposure, mentioning one’s passion and mission, and describing one’s coaching approach and how it benefits clients. It’s also important to consider who the audience is and how one can add value to them, and to have ideas for signature talks that one can present to them.

The Accidental Legacy Empowering Coaches to Leave a Profound Imprint

What makes this book unique?

Author’s Perspective: As a dyslexic author, Wendy Kier brings a unique perspective to coaching and leadership. Her personal struggles and triumphs add a layer of authenticity and relatability that isn’t commonly found in similar books.

Emphasis on Legacy: While many coaching books focus on building skills and growing businesses, Wendy places a significant emphasis on the concept of legacy. She encourages coaches to think about the long-term impact of their work and the enduring imprint they can leave on their clients and their field.

Incorporation of Technology: This book uniquely incorporates the transformative role of technology in overcoming personal obstacles and professional challenges. The author’s use of AI tools to manage dyslexia, and the consequent impact on her coaching and writing, offer a unique exploration of the intersection of technology and coaching.

Actionable Strategies: The book is not just theoretical; it offers practical, actionable strategies for success. It provides a roadmap for creating a signature coaching program and scaling a coaching business, providing value to both new and experienced coaches.

Inspiring Stories: This book includes inspiring stories of resilience and determination, emphasizing the power of the human spirit. These stories serve to motivate readers, offering tangible examples of overcoming adversity.

Wendy is a seasoned coach, program developer, and 3x Amazon best-selling author with a passion for helping individuals and organizations reach their full potential. With over 11 years of experience in the industry, Wendy has developed a unique approach to coaching that combines personalized attention, collaborative techniques, and ongoing support to create lasting change. As a sought-after motivational speaker, Wendy has inspired audiences across the globe with their dynamic and engaging presentations. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or individual looking to make a meaningful impact, Wendy is here to help you achieve your goals and unlock your true potential.

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