Overcoming Dyslexia: The Inspiring Journey of a Dyslexic Entrepreneur Imagine having a burning desire to succeed, but constantly feeling held back by a learning disorder that affects your ability to read and write. This is the reality for millions of individuals...
Unleash Your Voice: 10 Proven Tips for Transformational Coaches HOW TO FIND YOUR NEXT SPEAKING GIG As a business coach/trainer struggling to position yourself as an authority and find speaking opportunities, it’s important to explore various online platforms to...
Create Powerful Talks in Record Time: A Quick & Easy Process with Slides for Coaches Chat GPT Are you a coach or speaker looking for a way to create powerful talks in record time? Look no further than Chat GPT. This tool can help you create informational talks...
Crafting a Winning Signature Talk Bio: Tips and Strategies for Establishing Credibility and Authority as a Speaker During this training session, I want to stress the importance of your signature talk bio and 20-minute signature talk and share a video that I created...
Create a Hero Story in Chat GPT in Seconds: A Step-by-Step Guide As a coach, you want to connect with your clients on a deep level to inspire and motivate them to achieve their goals. Using a hero’s story can help you do just that. By sharing a personal story...